Terms and Conditions for our AWLL WhatsApp Group


Updated October 2024


Our dedicated AWLL WhatsApp group is exclusively for members of American Women Lawyers in London. It is managed by the Executive Committee, which you can read about here. If you’re interested in becoming a member, please visit this page for more information on how to join!

For current members, if you’d like to join our WhatsApp group, please read our Terms & Conditions of Use (“Terms”), and provide your details in the form provided.


Terms & Conditions of Use


  1. Your agreement to these Terms. Your enjoyment of the group - and the security of your information - are important to us. By joining our WhatsApp group, you are confirming that you agree to these Terms, which will remain under review. If we update these Terms, we will send an email notifying all members of the change.

  2.  Encouraging Participation: AWLL thrives on active participation! Feel free to ask questions, share advice, and offer your support to fellow members. We want our WhatsApp group to be a valuable and engaging resource for all.

  3. Stay respectful, please. The WhatsApp group is a space for members of AWLL to connect. Please keep conversations professional, friendly, and respectful. While we encourage fun and engaging discussions, remember to approach every interaction as a lawyer would — with thoughtfulness and courtesy.

  4. Share What Matters: We encourage you to share relevant news, such as industry awards, networking activities, and upcoming events. However, sharing that you have personal items for sale (for example on Facebook Marketplace) or unrelated advertisements are not welcome and may be considered spam.

  5. Sensitive Topics: Be mindful of others' perspectives when discussing sensitive topics. Although sharing information or your views about current events or political topics is acceptable, this group is not the place for lengthy debates. Please also note that particularly sensitive topics, to include those relating to domestic violence or women’s reproductive health, may be upsetting for some members. If you’d like to continue such discussions in-depth with other members, feel free to do so privately.

  6. Inclusion and Respect: AWLL values diversity, and many of us understand first-hand the challenges posed by immigrating to a new country. Please ensure your comments are inclusive and avoid discriminatory language related to age, gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, or sexual orientation. You have the right to share your opinion, but the Board reserves its right to remove content which is (or could be seen as) racist, homophobic or otherwise contrary to AWLL’s values.

  7. File Sharing and Links: We encourage the sharing of helpful resources and links that align with our community’s interests. However, please avoid posting large attachments or multiple links in quick succession unless they are relevant.

  8. Group Size and Notifications: We know that in groups with many members, notifications can pile up. Feel free to mute the group if it becomes overwhelming. For one-on-one conversations or side discussions, please use direct messaging.

  9. Data Privacy and Consent: By joining our WhatsApp group, you acknowledge that your contact details will be visible to other members. Mobile numbers should never be used or shared without explicit consent and it is strictly forbidden to misuse another member's contact details. Your participation is based on informed consent and you can leave the group at any time.

  10. Direct messages: This AWLL WhatsApp group is for community discussions. It may be possible to enter direct conversations with other members of the group. However, if you choose to do so, we have no control over those separate interactions.

  11. Moderation: The Executive Committee will act as moderators to ensure our WhatsApp group remains a positive and inclusive space. If a member violates the group’s guidelines (e.g., by posting spam or making harmful comments), they will receive one warning. Continued violations may result in removal from the group at the discretion of the Executive Committee.


How to Raise a Concern

If you have concerns about any message in the group, we encourage you to not respond directly. Instead, please contact a member of the Executive Committee privately to discuss your concerns, and we will handle the matter accordingly. We aim to maintain a fair and respectful environment for all members. However, please remember that AWLL is a not-for-profit club and our Executive Committee are volunteers. We may not be able to respond quickly to handle complaints, although we will do our best.

In cases where messages are deemed inappropriate, we will reach out to the person who posted it and take appropriate action, which may include removing the post or addressing the issue either privately or to the group as a whole. If a participant seriously breaches these terms, they may be removed from the group. The decision of the Executive Committee will be final in such cases.